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青年教师跨学科论坛第三十九期:Platform Openness: from Reseller to Marketplace

    发布于:2018-10-22    浏览次数:[]

报告题目:Platform Openness: from Reseller to Marketplace



报告摘要:We examine why an online retailer which just resells goods previously opens its platform to third-party (3P) sellers and why 3P sellers have incentive to join the retailer’s platform. Though the retailer can get rent and commissions from 3P sellers joining the platform and these 3P sellers can reach more consumers through the retailer’s platform, the competition between them may become fiercer due to that they are selling identical products. Several big online retailers choose to open their retailing channel to 3P sellers(e.g. Amazon in 2001 and JD.com in 2010 etc.). However, there is just a few of studies on this issue. In this paper, we develop a game-theoretic model to formulate the strategic interaction between an online retailer and a 3P seller who are selling identical products. We find that the game rule is changed by openness. By charging the proper rent and commissions, the opener can always induce the other party to join, and then soften their price competition. In particular, the opener has more control over the other party’s retailing price through charging the commission. In this way, both parties can benefit from openness and cooperation. Certainly, given the service differentiation, who take the role of the opener depends on who have value advantage over the other party. Second, consumers are hurt by openness since they have to pay a higher price than before openness. Third, the effect of the retailer’s openness on social welfare depends on two factors, consumers’mismatch reduction and gross utility loss.


报告人简介:孙永洪,资讯系统学博士学位,现为西安交通大学管理学院信息管理与电子商务系讲师。主要研究方向为,信息技术经济学(IT Economics),电子商务(E-Commerce)等。曾在IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management,IEEE. Transactions on SMC Part A,European Journal of Operational Research,Expert Systems with Applications等期刊发表论文。








上一条:青年教师跨学科论坛第四十一期:OPEC, Shale Oil, and Global Warming – On the importance of the order of extraction (欧佩克、页岩油和全球变暖---开采顺序的重要性)

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